Sanat-o-Tijarat (Industry & Commerce)

Sanat-o-Tijarat is here to help you develop a lasting and fulfilling career. Sanat-o-Tijarat attempts to eliminate unemployment in the majlis by creating programs to teach learning skills, industry skills, crafts, and trades. To meet the goals of the department, the Mohtamim engages in programs around entrepreneurship, career development, and employment counseling.

Hadhrat Musleh Maud(RA) established the office of Sanato-Tijarat (Trade & Industry) in 1920 to improve the financial condition of the Jama’at. The object of the establishment of this Department is to promote trade and industry among the members of the Jama’at and thereby improve and consolidate and to enhance their financial position and business. Improved financial position would also hep the members to excel in the field of financial sacrifices.

Summary of Objectives

Our primary objectives can be summarized as follows:

  1. To provide a platform to share knowledge and present opportunities to its members
  2. To promote trade and industry among members of the Jama’at
  3. To encourage and support entrepreneurial skills

Business Directory

This department has launched its own Online business directory. This will help in wider trade opportunities through mutual consultation and exchange of information. Traders are encouraged to be added to our list,

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (RA) once said:

“If you know of an Ahmadi trader who has not come to the notice of the Office, send his name. Do not think that only the big businessmen deserve a mention; send us the names of even peddlers, as they are like nuts and bolts in the trade structure; their exclusion would hurt your profession”

How you can help

  • If you know of any Job opportunity then send us details. We have a database of khuddam with a variety of skills that may fit the requirements
  • Any Ahmadi business should register themselves on the Online Business Directory
  • Send us an article about your specific career, this will be a good source of knowledge sharing
  • If you would like to share a hobby or a skill you have then send us details.
  • If you have your own business send us an article profiling your company
  • Feedback on how we can improve this sections.


Department Contact

  • Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat (Industry & Commerce)
    Ata ul Hadi Sahib