Letter to Huzur

Instructions for How to Use the Letter Creation Webpage:

  1. Fill Out Personal Information:

    • Make sure to complete all the required fields, including:
      • Full Name
      • Postal Address
      • Jamaat
      • Phone Number
  2. Customize Your Letter Content:

    • Use the following fields to update the content of your letter:
      • Subject: Enter the topic or purpose of your letter.
      • Message: Type your personalized message in the text area.
  3. Select Input Language:

    • Choose the language in which you want to write your letter. You can switch between:
      • English or
      • Urdu
  4. Select Input Method:

    • Text: Type your message using the keyboard.
  5. Preview and Finalize:

    • As you fill out the form, a live preview of the letter will be shown on the right side of the screen. Review your content to ensure accuracy.
  6. Save:

    • Once your letter is complete, you Export the letter as a PNG image to save it to your device and print it to be sent to Huzur (aba) by post.

Additional Notes:

  • Make sure you allow your browser to access the microphone if you're using the Voice input feature.
  • If the fields are not completely filled out, the preview and export functions may not work as expected.
  • For Urdu language: ensure that the text aligns correctly in the right-to-left (RTL) format in the preview.
    • Ensure you switch you device and/or keyboard first to use Urdu as your language. Usually you have goto device system settings > Keyboard> Add New KeyBoard > Add Urdu. 
    • Then you type or record your message in Urdu.


Letter Generator with Urdu Support

Create Your Letter

Recording in progress... Press Stop when finished.

Letter Preview

Header Image

In respect of Hadhart Ameerul Momineen
Khalifatul Masih the V (May Allah be his Helper)

Re: [Subject of the letter]

Dearest Hudhur, ‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ

Your personalized message will appear here.

May Allah be our helper and protector, Ameen.
Your humble servant,

[Sender Name]
Postal Address: [Sender Address]
Jamaat: [Sender Jamaat]
Phone: [Sender Phone]
Letter ID: